Célia Picard & Hannes Schreckensberger
Born in 1978 and in 1982
Live and work in Montpellier

Through their work with volume and installations, Celia Picard and Hannes Schreckensberger have managed to bring together issues regarding the fields of architecture, which they are both trained in, and of contemporary art.
Their works are informed by a subtle combination of references to modernism and its utopias, vernacular forms of craftsmanship (from all over the world) and the fertile field of all-digital technology. They invite us to reflect on the practices and rituals that our life circumstances and the objects that surround us may induce.
From there, their investigative work opens up to collective myths, both within the domestic space and in urban or rural contexts. This analysis allows them to experiment with and produce new forms with an aim to transform society and culture, as is the case with the scientific methodology of action research.
Translated by Lucy Pons, 2021
© Adagp, Paris