Cédric Teisseire
Born in 1968
Lives and works in Nice

Cédric Teisseire bases his work on form, colour and composition, focusing in particular on the problem of expressing and organizing the paint on the surface. Through gesture and colour, he explores various "territories of painting", painting which, in his work, becomes almost independent from the picture's surface. The heterogeneity of his works can be described as style, somewhere between mastery and excess. Before designating an object, which can often be taken for the picture, the paint is a form of matter. In Cédric Teisseire's work, the paint is regarded as a fictional skin, the picture is at once the screen on which the gaze ends up and the actual subject of all display.
Cédric Teisseire is also the co-founder of La Station in Nice; and he teaches at the Toulon art school. Translated by Simon Pleasance