Caroline Duchatelet
Born in 1964
Lives and works in Marseille and Paris

mercredi 5 juin, 2020
HD video, 5’30’’
© All rights reserved

le 25 mars, 2015
Video, 40'
© All rights reserved
Caroline Duchatelet's work explores questions of landscapes and light. She first worked with sculpture, her works later becoming integral parts of a particular landscape or architectural setting. The artist then turned her attention to light itself, translating the passage of light, its variations, materialization and decline, with site specific installations and luminous compositions. Duchatelet, more recently, has experimented with video, namely in a series of filmed dawns in which the experience of landscape is embodied through changing light.
Fellowship at the Villa Médicis, 2009.
Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.