
Caroline Bouissou

Born in 1980

Lives and works in Nice and in Catalogna

Caroline Bouissou’s work belongs to a class of its own, as she prefers a multiplicity of experiences to remaining faithful to a single medium. By attempting to discuss questions as complex as “Can one see an illusion through imagination?” or “How can the viewer’s mental space become a creative space?” she engages in a production that combines poetic forms, the viewer’s involvement, and a work on perception. Landscapes are recurrent throughout her art, betraying a (futile) desire to grasp their full complexity. Whether using sculptural objects, performance, cut-outs of photographs, sound, or installations, the artist offers us a perspective that shifts the common apprehension we might feel toward our surroundings. Her interest in archaeology and minerals leads her to appropriate stones as possible relics of a collective memory. The different paths that Caroline Bouissou traces in each of her works must undeniably be followed with senses alert.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.