
Anne Blanchet

Born in 1950

Lives and works in Geneva

« The work of Anne Blanchet throws open doors and breaks down borders. She is inspired by minimalist and conceptual art of the 1960s, which she discovered during her stay in the United States, and shares with artists like Donald Judd (1928-1994) and Carl Andre (1935) a reflection on space, as well as a predilection for industrial materials and for the modest intervention that is entirely devoid of the gestural. The apparent banality of her installations is an invitation to understand them beyond their materiality and consider them via the intellect. Her pieces are not a far cry from the theories about theatricality and the disappearance of the author that are inherent in the works of artists from that period, but they also stand apart for their use of cutting-edge technologies and the presence of movement. »

Céline Eidenbenz

Anne Blanchet lives and works in Geneva. Following stays in Germany and the United States, she has sculpted “light” in materials such as plexiglass, metals and concrete. Since 1997 she has created many moving outdoor installations, including - Pont de lumière - Bridge of Light (2005) at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Her noteworthy exhibitions include those at Galerie Beyeler in Basel, Galerie Alice Pauli in Lausanne and Bex & Arts in Bex. In 2000 she was awarded the Gustave Buchet prize and her work was featured in Arte Video Night in 2010 and 2011. In France, she is represented by the Galerie Denise René.