Agnès Fornells
Born in 1974
Lives and works in Montpellier

Agnès Fornells’ practice developed as an outcome of her stays abroad, which generally revolved around urban and street life, particularly in Spain and Latin America. Therefore, her work is linked to the Spanish language and to the foreigner’s relationship with its spoken and written (or sung) use. Fornells uses mainly photography and video, in which words are sometimes heavily featured. Her work focuses mainly on the public space, its uses and the way it is occupied according to various cultural modes of expression. The images she creates are not staged and are set in social spaces or in the street. Once it is captured on the spot, this material is then reprocessed by changing its framing or editing, by placing it in a different context or by reinterpreting it in a different visual field. The artist expanded her practice to three-dimensional works and ceramics on the occasion of an Artelinea residency in 2018. She is currently experimenting with three-dimensional pieces based on a “reconstitution” process of the situations and objects she photographed.
Agnès Fornells
Translated by Lucy Pons, 2022